Employment Services

Employment Services help people find jobs that pay competitive
wages in integrated settings in the community.  

Employment Services include various supports to help a person identify career and employment interests and find and keep a job.  Some of these activities include:

  1. Discovery – a process to assist people in finding out who they are, what they want to do, and what they have to offer;
  2. Job Development – supports finding a job including customized employment and self-employment;
  3. Follow Along with Supports – periodic supports after a person has transitioned into his or her job;
  4. Ongoing support and monitoring of the person's performance on the job;
  5. Training in related skills needed to obtain and retain employment such as using community resources and public transportation;
  6. Negotiation with prospective employers; and Self-employment supports. 
Our Core Values

Employment Services programs respect the person's preferences and tailor their Employment services accordingly.  All people who want to work are eligible—no one is excluded.

Our Employment Services' core philosophy is that all people can work at competitive jobs in the community without prior training, without excluding anyone from this opportunity.

Other Commitments
  • Employment Services does not try to bring people to some preconceived standard of "work readiness" before seeking employment. People are "work ready" when they say they want to work. Therefore, no justification exists for excluding people who are interested in working in Employment Services programs.
  • Employment Services help people receive appropriate work attire, workplace hygiene, developing and maintaining good work, and community safety.  The employment specialist/job coach also provides employability assessment and plan, job search assistance, and reassessment.  He/She will offer employment orientation, job readiness training, and on-the-job training.
  • People who wish to ride public buses, trains, and metro access to reach a wide variety of destinations, including employment, will be trained.  If a person lives within walking distance and who is sufficiently mobile are encouraged to walk to worksite or training site.
  • People who obtain work that they find interesting tend to have higher satisfaction levels with their jobs and longer job tenures. For this reason, people's preferences guide all phases of  Employment services. Honoring people's choices is critical in helping them pursue their employment goals.